"In Joppa there was a certain disciple named Tabitha...who was full of good works and charitable deeds which she did."
hese are new and unprecedented times for us right now as COVID-19 continues to spread. Without being able to gather together in person, how do we continue to support each other, to stay unified and minister to those in need among us? We have an answer for that.
ACTS 9.36
As the Avon Wesleyan Church community, we desire to match those who have a need with those who are able to meet that need. To help us in this effort, we have created a simple process called The Tabitha Project. This tool will enable us to respond to COVID-19 needs in ways such as purchasing/delivering groceries, providing food for those who cannot afford it, offering emotional support by way of cards and phone calls, and sharing/lending needed items during this time.
If you are healthy, willing, and able to support your neighbors who are in voluntary or enforced quarantine, you can now sign up using The Tabitha Project tool! Click on the link above where you will be directed to the form where you can let us know how you'd like to help.
If you are stuck at home right now, whether for voluntary or enforced quarantine, and facing needs for groceries, errands run, or even childcare, you can directly request what you need using The Tabitha Project tool. Click on the link above where you will be directed to the form where you can place your request.
If you have questions about The Tabitha Project tool, please contact Darcie Dembroski at dudadem1990@gmail.com
Together, we can help each other through this time and come out a stronger community than ever before.