live nativity CONTINUED
Thank you for joining us! As you have seen in the nativity story, Heaven has come to earth as God's greatest gift for humanity. He is love, and He has made us for love. He wants to give each one of us real joy, true peace and eternity with Him. Jesus spent His time on earth with the weak, the outcasts, the forgotten, the wounded. He healed the sick and cared for the marginalized. That was not enough. He gave the ultimate sacrifice of His blood, His pure unconditional act of obedience and love, so that you and I can be healed and made whole. This is God's amazing gift, the amazing grace we sing about.
We no longer need to live in the bondage of guilt, nor in the haunting shadow of shame. Jesus has personally stepped into our space to invite us to trade in our sad stories for a richer and fuller story, His story. We don't have to try to make it in this world by whatever means we can muster. We don't have to fake it anymore to gain acceptance. God has lovingly created us for good. Though we are broken because of sin, such as our selfishness, foolish pride, God has provided a way for us to go back home.
Jesus said to us, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) Hold on to this promise from God: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
Now that you understand God's heart for you, you can respond to Him by praying this prayer from your heart.
“Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. I am truly sorry for my sins. Please forgive me. Thank You so much for sending Your Son Jesus to live and to die for me. I now surrender to Jesus control over my whole life. With your help, I will daily follow Jesus as my Lord, savior and guide. Please give me the new life you promised to everyone who believes in Jesus. In His name I pray. Amen.”
If you have prayed this prayer for salvation, please let us know by filling out the card below!
Or, if you have any questions about how to...
Become a child of God.
Or, how to Be a follower of Jesus.
Or, how to Belong to God's community of believers.
// Someone will connect with you soon //
May God bless you in His wonderful way, as you continue to seek Him with all your heart.